Avalanche in Europe, between history and technologies

The Mu.Bat. association (Museum of Battipaglia) promotes a large project that aims to rediscover and enhance one of the crucial moments of the Second World War, often forgotten by collective memory, and does so through three interconnected projects, involving a vast network of collaborations at local, national and international level.

Download the (italian) press release

At the heart of this choral commitment is, since this year, the project “European Remembrance Avalanche UE DG Justice and Consumers”, carried out in partnership with the University of Thessaloniki Aristotelico Panepistimio Thessalonikis, the Universite de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center of Milan and the Heritage Lab Italgas.

The initiative aims to create a network of scholars and citizens, both Italian and European, to reconstruct and share the memory of the Salerno Landing and its consequences, in Italy and in the occupied territories such as Greece, which is a partner in the project through the University. Through the collection of testimonies, in particular from women – often silent protagonists of that period – and the analysis of neglected events, the project aims to create a “Lexicon of the Second World War”. A unique work that, going beyond mere historical narration, aims to offer a more complete and human vision of this global conflict.

Visit European Remembrance project website

A digital museum to preserve Memory

As part of thethe PNRR – TOCC program of the Ministry of Culture, Mu.Bat. will create the “Historical Digital Museum of the Battle of Salerno – Avalanche Day”. A virtual museum that, through a digital catalog of documentary resources, will connect local testimonies, international archives and historical places, creating an ideal bridge between past and present. A virtual immersion that will allow you to relive those dramatic days, to meet the protagonists, to understand the profound impact that the Landing had on the course of the war.

Connections and exchanges: the power of a shared memory

Crossing national borders, Mu.Bat. has also obtained funding for two Erasmus+ projects: “Seas of Peace”, concluded in May with the Istituto Comprensivo Alfonso Gatto of Battipaglia and the School of Palekastro of Crete, and “Amemoria”, with the IIS Besta Gloriosi of Battipaglia and the Istituto Jaime Mimò of Barcelona.

Two initiatives involving Italian, Greek and Spanish schools in a training and research path on the digitalization of cultural heritage. Through intercultural exchanges and the use of innovative technologies, students deepen their knowledge of common history, learn to enhance the testimonies of the past and develop digital skills to build a shared memory of the Mediterranean.

The three Mu.Bat. projects culminate every year in Avalanche Day, the representation of the landing on the Battipaglia coast, sponsored since 2018 by the Campania Region and the MIC. Mu.Bat.’s commitment is an invitation for students, academics, researchers and citizens to rediscover the history and roots of each one.