Otto Comuni firmano un protocollo d’intesa per promuovere la memoria dell’operazione Avalanche

L’8 gennaio è stato firmato un protocollo d’intesa tra le Amministrazioni Comunali di Battipaglia, Eboli, Bellizzi, Olevano Sul Tusciano, Montecorvino Pugliano, Montecorvino Rovella, Salerno e Altavilla Silentina. Il protocollo sostiene il progetto “I luoghi dell’Operazione Avalanche”, che è stato candidato per l’European Heritage Label e più in generale mira a…

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Avalanche in Europe, between history and technologies

The Mu.Bat. association (Museum of Battipaglia) promotes a large project that aims to rediscover and enhance one of the crucial moments of the Second World War, often forgotten by collective memory, and does so through three interconnected projects, involving a vast network of collaborations at local, national and international level.…

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The Erasmus+ Seas of Peace project ends in Crete

The last act of a two-year project between the schools of Crete School of Palekastro and the Alfonso Gatto Institute of Battipaglia was the mobility of the Italian school in Greece, a great opportunity to strengthen the affectionate relations between these two schools. Over the past two years these schools…

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In memory of Carmine Citro and Teresa Ricciardi

A meeting was held yesterday at the Municipality of Battipaglia, an event to commemorate the “Fatti di Battipaglia” of 1969. The meeting promoted by Mubat as part of the Erasmus+ projects “Seas of Peace” and “aMemoria” with the Gatto and Besta Gloriosi institutes also involved students from other schools. The…

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