L’8 gennaio è stato firmato un protocollo d’intesa tra le Amministrazioni Comunali di Battipaglia, Eboli, Bellizzi, Olevano Sul Tusciano, Montecorvino Pugliano, Montecorvino Rovella, Salerno e Altavilla Silentina. Il protocollo sostiene il progetto “I luoghi dell’Operazione Avalanche”, che è stato candidato per l’European Heritage Label e più in generale mira a…
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Il Marchio Europeo del Patrimonio, un nuovo progetto promosso da Mubat
Mubat has launched a new initiative: among the 11 candidates for the European Heritage Label there is the “Sites of Operation Avalanche.” Battipaglia, Bellizzi, Eboli, Montecorvino Pugliano, Montecorvino Rovella, Olevano sul Tusciano, and Salerno—seven municipalities that have joined forces to prepare a robust dossier of approximately 200 pages—are presenting a…
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“Occupied Spaces” Conference at University of Salerno on 14th october
The international conference “Occupied Spaces”, European and extra-European occupation practices and experiences between the Second World War and the Cold War, will be held on October 14th at the University of Salerno. the conference will be held in the Dipsum conference room in building D3 – 3rd floor – Speakers…
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Occupied Italy, the open access journal of studies on the Italian campaign
Occupied Italy is an open access digital journal dedicated to the study of the history of the Second World War in Italy and its immediate consequences, spanning between the Allied landing in July 1943 and the referendum in June 1946 . The journal was founded in December 2020 with the aim of emphasizing the relevance…
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June 21, 1943, the memory of the first allied bombing on Battipaglia and Salerno
On June 21, 1943, the allied aviation dropped on Battipaglia its first terrible load of bombs, so the long martyrdom of the city began. “Here at Battipaglia we had an Italian Guernica, a town transformed in a matter of seconds to an heap of rubbles.”Norman Lewis, Naples ’43 Since 2017,…
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Avalanche Day 2024, eighth edition of the reenactment of the Salerno Landing in Battipaglia. The program
On September 14th, the Lido Spineta in Battipaglia will host the reenactment of Operation Avalanche, an event that aims to commemorate the historic landing in Salerno in 1943 and highlight the crucial role of Battipaglia. The bulk of the troops, the English contingent, landed on our beaches, and part of…
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Reenactment and Radio Onda at night on September 14th for the eighty-first anniversary of the landing
The annual festival dedicated to the Allied Landing of September 9, 1943, enters in the executive phase. The main innovation of this year is the realization, in a single evening, of the annual concert “Radio Onda” and the re-enactment of the landing with vintage military vehicles and associations of specialists…
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Avalanche in Europe, between history and technologies
The Mu.Bat. association (Museum of Battipaglia) promotes a large project that aims to rediscover and enhance one of the crucial moments of the Second World War, often forgotten by collective memory, and does so through three interconnected projects, involving a vast network of collaborations at local, national and international level.…
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Summer School 2024 – Spineta di Battipaglia 10-13 September 2024
“Il Patrimonio ReImmaginato”, Heritage Reimagined Digital emergence of sources, data and tools for the dissemination of the history of the archival heritage. Archival sources, data, and their public and scientific dissemination are now at a turning point in the face of the changes that digital is imposing on the work…
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June 21, 1943, the beginning of the apocalypse in Battipaglia
il 21 giugno 1943, intorno a ora di pranzo, Battipaglia e Salerno vengono bombardate. On June 21, 1943, around lunchtime, Battipaglia and Salerno are bombed. It is the beginning of an ordeal that will only end in September with the retreat of the Germans. Inside the town hall is kept…
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Erasmus+ for the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
The aMemoria project has chosen June 21st as the date for the delivery of the Avalanche Ambassadors in the framework of the European Remembrance project “Avalanche”. aMemoria is an Erasmus+project involving the Besta Gloriosi Institute of Battipaglia, the Jaumè Mimo Institute of Barcelona and the Mubat cultural association. This date…
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CERV European Remembrance “Avalanche” project kicks off, supporting the Holocaust exhibition of Italian Jews in Rhodes
It was a great emotion on Friday evening to attend the inauguration of the exhibition/installation “Jews of Rhodes” in Milan, at the Shoah Memorial at Binario 21. The exhibition was created by the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center (CDEC) thanks to a legacy by Mrs. Ester Menascé Fintz and was co-financed…
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The Erasmus+ Seas of Peace project ends in Crete
The last act of a two-year project between the schools of Crete School of Palekastro and the Alfonso Gatto Institute of Battipaglia was the mobility of the Italian school in Greece, a great opportunity to strengthen the affectionate relations between these two schools. Over the past two years these schools…
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In memory of Carmine Citro and Teresa Ricciardi
A meeting was held yesterday at the Municipality of Battipaglia, an event to commemorate the “Fatti di Battipaglia” of 1969. The meeting promoted by Mubat as part of the Erasmus+ projects “Seas of Peace” and “aMemoria” with the Gatto and Besta Gloriosi institutes also involved students from other schools. The…
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