Released the eBook “Come funziona internet?” , translation of a publishing of the SE Foundation


The Avalanche project is a project dedicated to children and based on history and technology. For this reason the covid could not have stopped us.


This strange 2020 was an opportunity to boost the accelerator of technology  and everything goes online. Guys of the Alfonso Gatto Institute, with whom we started this initiative from the beginning, were fantastic and together (and thanks) to their teachers we have continued our meetings this year too.

For this we thank the students, the teachers and their manager Lea Celano who with
trust has always been close to us.

2020 with all its problems therefore leaves us a positive asset that also will bring benefits in the coming years: at this link you can download an eBook that is edited by Mubat by Carlo Bruno and Stefania Alfinito, in collaboration with regesta.exe. A useful tool for transferring skills to younger children designed as part of the Avalanche project, created with the Municipal Administration and supported by the Campania Region and Mibac.

This publishing is the italian translation (with technology updates) of an older publishing from SE. Foundation to explain to children how Internet really works.

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