June 21th, the bombing victims memorial

On June 21, 1943, the allied aviation dropped on Battipaglia its first terrible load of bombs, so the long martyrdom of the city began.

“Here at Battipaglia we had an Italian Guernica, a town transformed in a matter of seconds to an heap of rubbles.”
Norman Lewis, Naples ’43

On 21th june 2017 we have started our project with a ceremony in memory of the 107 victims. In the evening a conference to explain our project and the planned events

Program June 21:

10.00 am
Holy Celebration in memory of the victims of the bombing of ’43 in Santa Maria della speranza Church

procession to the square of the Republic where a laurel crown have been deposited with the participation of the orchestra of the Alfonso Gatto Institute directed by mister Farabella with the choir “Voci Bianche” directed by Guido Salsano.

11.30 pm Exhibition of the artworks of the artists under the project “Mubat (Museo di Battipaglia) and recall Avalanche operation”.
Antonella Nigro, who has officially presented the art “Avalanche Collection 2017”, coordinated by Maria Rosaria Botta and created for the occasion by a community of artists

20.30 pm
Presentation of the “Avalanche Operation” project at the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Speranza.

Eduardo Mattia Cafaro, president of the Mubat Cultural Association. “Project presentation”.
Massimo Sorvillo, president of ConfCommercio. “Greeting, culture and the promotion of the territory”.
Architect Lino Nicolino, historian of the Avalanche operation. “The choice of Salerno, the role of aviation and the centrality of Battipaglia”.
Stefania Alfinito, project coordinator at the Alfonso Gatto Institute. “The story told to boys and guys.”
Carlo Bruno, project creator. “Memory as a collective asset in the digital sharing era”

Artistic Participations:
Coral Mutterle directed by Guglielmo Francese
Vincenzo Farabella, piano
Enzo Fauci
Sara Vicinanza, soprano

reading from the book “A Rebel Soldier” by Carmine Colucci